Designer and Creator

🌱 Evergreen notes

Evergreen notes are similar to permanent notes or Zettels from The Zettelkasten note-taking method. I prefer the name evergreen notes because it’s human and inspiring.
🌱 Evergreen notes
Photo by feey / Unsplash

Evergreens are fundamental knowledge units that were written in your own word. Every evergreen note is a single idea.

They grow from 🌱 Fleeting notes and 🌱 Literature notes—book notes, articles, podcasts, conversations, and loose thoughts.

They are written in a way that we can still understand, regardless of the context where they are taken from.

We need to be clear that evergreen notes are not articles for you to publish on your blog (of course, you can, but it’s not the primary purpose). They are smaller chunks of that medium.

That’s why we can write easier by breaking down an essay into smaller tasks to do one thing at a time.

Evergreen notes are something longer than a tweet but shorter than a blog post. It’s a sweet spot: short enough so we can do it in 30 minutes but long enough to explain a concept.

Writing evergreen notes will strengthen your knowledge. From there, you can produce any content for your publishing: articles, podcasts, videos,…

Principles of evergreen notes:

  • Atomic: one single idea per note. It allows us to reuse and remix across projects.
  • Densely link: Connect your thoughts through organic networks, not structures. It puts pressure on us to think about how ideas relate to each other and helps us internalize concepts more deeply.
  • Declarative titles: It helps you understand the concept of the note easier.
  • Concept-oriented: creates notes based on the concept and big ideas instead of specific books and articles.
  • Writing in your own words: so you can understand it deeply and explain it clearly.

More: 🌱 The new success metric for a knowledge worker is the number of evergreen notes written per day