Designer and Creator

🌱 Post Layoff Diary

Sharing my process of looking for new jobs after the layoff.
Full Diary has been moved to this page

09 Dec, 2022 Friday

— Much support from friends and LinkedIn people

Keith, my ex-head of design, sent me a message yesterday. He sent me a Job description from Google and a job from Viki which Tina had asked me on Instagram. Seeing Tina’s year-end party at Viki makes me feel very interested. Many companies didn’t have a Year End party this year, but Viki had. So they are quite OK in terms of finance?

I need to interview different places so that I will have choices. When I have choices, I can easily deal with people.

My post on LinkedIn got lots of attention and support from the community. I’m surprised with the post's impression on Linkedin, around 50K impressions until now. It even got the highest number of reactions of all the posts I posted on social platforms (Facebook, Twitter, IG,…)

So, I’m considering using LinkedIn as the primary platform to share my content. For both personal and Vidizai. With the content I have, I think LinkedIn will work well for me. It’s also the best time to start being more active on LinkedIn. Coz I’m unemployed anyway, none will care about why I’m so active on LinkedIn.

08 Dec, 2022 Thursday

— A long one-hour call with a recruiter

This morning, I had a call with a recruiter from Neuron Mobility, it’s a company I didn’t know about until couple of days ago. That company is hiring Product Designers. They are open for 3 positions. They are expanding the Product Design and Product Management.

They only have one Product Designer now, and she will be the lead. It’s quite interesting that only she takes care of the whole product. And now she’s a lead. That is the reward of time and loyalty.

I didn’t know the detail but will find out soon.

The recruiter seems interested in me and will move forward soon. It’s just that I’m still on holiday now, and I don’t want to spend time interviewing or exercising. It’s a time for me to update my portfolio and self-reflection and take a rest. Job is secondary.

The recruiter, Raymond, is quite young and shared many things about the company. It was supposed to be 30 min only. But it lasted one hour. It’s a sign of an interesting conversation.

Tina, an ex-Carouseller, wants to refer me to Viki Rakuten also. It’s an entertainment product that Keith has worked on in the past. It’s a streaming service that focuses on Korean. Quite an interesting place to work on also.

05 Dec, 2022 Monday

— Affected (by layoff) colleagues are starting to look for a job

Today is the last day we stay in Singapore this year. We will come back after the holiday and with a new job.

Yesterday I went to Linked and accepted some invitations to connect with more people.

Nayanda, an iOS engineer, got affected and connected to me. He’s using the bad OpenForWork tag to look for new opportunities. He got an offer to stay at Carousell, but with a cutoff of 30% salary and working remotely from Indonesia. He didn’t accept it. Because it’s lower than the previous salary, he got. So now he's open for work.

I saw another Carousell guy posted the news on LinkedIn. He had 16 years of experience in marketing or something. And got reposts from many people to spread the news. Hopefully, he can get some interviews soon.

We will pack things today. Truc is going to Uniqlo to buy some jackets for Su. It’s cold in Ha Noi. We need some to cover up. I’ll pack things soon, so I want to leverage this free time to write something.

04 Dec, 2022 Sunday

— Digest the bad news of layoff and meeting Felipe

Many things happened to me. The worse thing is I got laid off from Carousell. I have no more work now.

I need to find a new job in Singapore. Because Truc is going to get an offer soon from Gitlab. It’s amazing.

I will go and meet [[Felipe]] this afternoon. He’s a Design Manager at Grab now. I think Grab is hiring a couple positions. I will talk to him first. I need to know how Grab and what the position is. And some advice from Felipe on the interview process. It’s good that have him.

We will also let the kids meet. I think his daughter, Nina is older than Su, about 1.5-year distance. It shouldn’t be a problem. Kids love to play with each other.