🌱 Literature notes
Literature notes are one type of note of [[The Zettelkasten note-taking method]]. They are highlights from the source you’re
🌱 Evergreen notes
Evergreen notes are similar to permanent notes or Zettels from The Zettelkasten note-taking method. I prefer the name evergreen notes because it’s human and inspiring.
🌱 A digital garden
A digital garden is a place to plant the seeds for future ambitious works. It was seeded with many [[🌱 Evergreen notes]] and linked to each other.
Find a way to raise your voice
Today I have a tough conversation with my head of product design. Yes, it’s about the performance review.
The day I become a better designer
The day I become a better design is the day I start writing.
A complete guide for Lottie animation with GatsbyJS
Lottie animation is easier than you think. In this post, we will create a Lottie animation, from After Effect to prototype to export handover files for developers.
Systems vs Goals
I’m always failed at exercising regularly. It usually starts with passion, the first week is awesome and motivated. But the next week, it becomes less and less.
Essential skills for product designers
For designers, only good design skill doesn’t guarantee success. We need more skills to be better and succeed in your career.
Every skill you acquire doubles your odds of success
I’m reading ‘How to fail at almost everything and still win big’ by Scott Adam. There's one idea that enlightens me and I think everyone should know about it.
You’re saying sorry too much
Saying sorry is a good habit, but saying it too much is the contrast. Sometimes, we apologize too much and it affects your presence. Replace sorry with a better phrase will make your ideas more compelling and show up stronger.
2020 year in review
2020 is the year none would forget. It was supposed to be a good year with a beautiful number. But what happened was terrible. Today is the time to reflect on the past year.
2020 Thoughts
✦ September
To be a good designer
One of the biggest lessons I learned this year is the power of confidence, for a designer.
Learn to code
The greatest lesson from the book The Icarus Deception by Seth Godin
Things I wish I knew when I started designing
5 years in the design field is not too long. But it gives me many lessons that if I knew about it before, it will be a better designer than I am today.