🌱 Being a generalist helps you find the right career choice
Being a self-taught designer has been something that made me unconfident.
I hated how I never specialized in anything in
🌱 Children who are later talkers
🌱 Feynman was an American theoretical physicist born in New York City. He’s a famous physicist, but many people know
🌱 Feynman
Richard Feynman was an American theoretical physicist born in 1918 in New York City.
Feynman was a very late talker—
🌱 Fall in love with the process over outcomes
If you are like me and many other creatives, you have many interests and want to do many things. You’
🌱 You can improve anything with 30 min a day for 30 days
🌱 The Seinfeld strategy — Don’t break the chain encourages us to use a big calendar that has a whole year